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And one more thing…

Before i go to bed i thought i’d post a picture…..cuz a blog is more fun with pictures! And so as i was browsing through my pics i noticed this little gem. How adorable were my parents!??? Mom, this is for you. (i meant to have this printed up for you guys and then never uploaded it to Snapfish….but i will one of these days….when i get around to uploading all 4000 pictures of Little Boo. )

By the way….

Did i mention my arm STILL hurts from the flu shot yesterday??? 

Fan and Feather scraf

The above is the scarf i made for my friend Patty….the pattern is called Fan and Feather….i didn’t realize what a popular and common design it was until after i made it. I need to make another one now before Christmas for my boss. 

And below is a scarf i’m working on right now as another gift….the pattern is a fancy rib stitch and i’m knitting it with organic cotton…so beautiful and soft. The picture doesn’t do it justice. 
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