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I am sick. I have a crazy sore throat, cough, runny nose, headache….the whole shebang. I wish i was sitting at home, sticks in my hands, yarn in my lap, but i’m at work till 12. And when i’m done, i will go to the dentist to have a cavity filled. That may be one of the worst things in the world. This is not a happy day. Does anyone feel sorry for me???

Last night i worked a bit more on the snowflake scarf…i finally know who it will be for. And then i worked on the afghan i’m making for my mother-in-law. I have a feeling there’s no way in hell it’s going to be done before Christmas, but i’m still going to try! I would post a picture but i don’t want her to see it!

Emmet gets a haircut from mommy…

I think i did pretty good considering he was walking away from me most of the time and pushing my hands away! I think i aged him 4 months…it makes me a little sad.

Emmet is quick to give up on his fork….and he’s really good at picking out ONLY the pasta and leaving the veggies.
I can’t wait to teach him how to knit.

My favorite scarf is useless

I finished this scarf about 2 months ago…..I was sooo in love with the yarn…Manos Del Uruguay kettle-dyed 100% wool…..and therein lies the problem. IT’S SO ITCHY!!  So now what?? What i do with the most beautiful scarf that can never be worn? Should i unravel the whole thing and make something else? Sigh……What was i thinking? It’s not like i don’t know that wool is itchy.

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