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PHEW! Not only did it somehow all come together, but it looks GOOD!

Now comes adding on the brim. I have to pick up the stitches along the bottom. I have no idea how to do that but i am at work and i have Lucy here and so between them both, i think i should be able to do this.

What on earth ????

Ok. This may look like a twisted knitting science experiment. But this is the chemo hat i’m making. LUCY I NEED YOU!!! If you remember correctly, i started out on wooden circulars that broke and i had to start over with new aluminum ones and everything was great until the rows started getting way too tight on the circular….i knew what had to be done but i don’t own double pointed needles yet! But then i thought maybe i could add one of the broken off wooden pieces to sort of form dpn’s…then that wasn’t enough so i had to use the other broken piece but then a crochet needle was adopted into the mix because nothing is working the way it should and i’m confused and scared of this monster i’ve created and i don’t even know if it might be too fragile to transport to work tomorrow and i need Lucy’s help! What a mess.

I’m feeling much better physically though, thank you very much. The antibiotics are working and i only have a minor cough now. Maybe this hat could use some Z-Pak….it worked for me!!

Still coughing….

…but the antibiotics are helping. Turns out i had Bronchitis. So this weekend was low key; lots of coughing and knitting and hanging out on the couch. I finally started knitting the chemo hat…i had tiny circular needles that were just the right size and i started Saturday and the pattern said to knit up 4 inches before decreasing and i got about 3 inches done when the circular needle broke!!! And it pulled out a couple of rows of stitches too! AAAck! i tried, but it was unfixable. So i went to A.C. Moore and bought some aluminum circular needles and started all over again!

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