First …the gift. Isn’t this the coolest picture ever? Daisy made it for me and sent it before Christmas but i was good and waited till Christmas day to open it. I’m absolutely in love with it…her creativity never ceases to amaze me.
And then we have BOBBLES!!!! People, these bobbles were not easy. They did get much easier after i got the hang of it, but figuring out how to do them was NOT EASY. First i read the instructions in the book but i’m not very good with knitting instructions from books, especially when they say things like “knit one and then purl one twice into the same stitch” …….WHAT??? So i turned my attention to as i always do to see videos of how to do things….but she only showed how to do a bobble the continental style and my brain almost shut down trying to convert that to English style….and she was also doing it differently than MY directions said to. So i turned to the other 2 knitting books i have but they were no help either. Finally, i went to my LYS today and the nice lady there helped me do it…i watched her do it once and then copied her twice and boom, i had it! Not too bad. A little confusing at first when i got home and had to try again on my own, but after a couple tries…….. perfection!

This is the beginning of a scarf for my boss. I took the bobbled design from The Knitter’s Bible but then decided to do 6 rows of seed stitch on each side to make it scarf sized. So far so good but it’s taking FOREVER and i honestly don’t know if i’ll have the patience to make a whole scarf at this crawling rate. And i think i’m cabling it a bit wrong too…sometimes the book says to hold it to the front or back and sometimes to the WS or RS. Why?? And if the backside is facing me, and it says to hold the cable to the front, do i hold it to the front of the work facing me or the actual front of the work which is not facing me at this time???? If anyone has any answers to this, i would greatly appreciate it!
P.S. Can you see the sparkles in this yarn? It’s a very light green but i took the picture with the flash off so the sparkles and bobbles would show up better.