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And away we go!!!!

i have started a SOCK!! I have never knitted a sock before and i simply could not wait any longer, it had to be done. That sock yarn has been calling out to me in my dreams and i could no longer ignore it…other projects be damned! So far so good…but this is the easy part.

These needles are so TINY! They’re a size 2 and i feel like i’m knitting with toothpicks! Shelly said i could get 2 socks out of this skein but this yarn is so thin i think i could get 8 socks from it! I can hardly wait for it to start striping….so far it’s only one color but that should change soon….


Oh yes i am! Look at this amazing amount of gorgeous knitting stuff! This is what my sister Shelly just gave me for Christmas! Look at all that yarn…and it’s the good stuff…not the 3$ A.C.Moore stuff i usually buy! And bamboo needles and 4 books and 3 sock knitting patterns and 2 magazines and a partridge in a pear tree! I’m overwhelmed….i’m so excited i don’t even know what to start next! I just keep looking at it all….but my hands don’t know what to knit first! And then there’s the obligatory knitting i have to finish first … the scarf for my boss and 2 more for my friends, a hat for Mike….i have to be good and finish those things too. I tend to start things and not finish them. And now this….this is way too tempting. This could be the best Christmas gift ever….other than the huge Barbie head i got when i was around 7 years old….that one’s hard to beat. 

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