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While working on other things…

I figure I will show off a different project. I started these Flip Top Mittens in October. I ended up making two pairs.

You see, I made one. The right one. And it was the first mitten/glove I ever made. I was feeling pretty cocky about it, too. So I rushed right into the next one as soon as I finished the first. I followed the pattern again, perfectly, quickly….and I made another one. Another. Right. Mitten.

I didn’t notice my mistake until I was 3/4 through the second mitten and after much cursing and kicking things, I decided the only thing I could do was finish it, and then make two left mittens.

It was not easy. I have a hard enough time motivating myself to make a second sock, much less a second whole pair of flip top mittens. One pair went to my sister in law, as a Thanksgiving present. The other pair went to my sister Shelly for Christmas.

I am jealous and I want a pair. They can be found in the book Knitting New Mittens & Gloves by Robin Melanson. Their official name is Jack In The Box.

Now I will give my little man a bath, and work a few more rows on the Queen Anne’s Lace shawl. I’m honestly not so sure how I feel about that shawl. I feel like I’m knitting a cobweb. You’ll see. I’ll post some progress pictures soon.


One hour left before bed. Knit or blog, knit or blog….I pick knit! Goodnight everyone!

Spring is coming!!

Everyday Emmet and I do a check on all the flowers to see how ready they are to bloom. Here’s what is going on in the front yard…..Daffodils!

And does anyone know what theseĀ  are?
The leaves have slightly pink edges and tips. Are these leaves going to give me some flowers at some point? And what are those blue flowers? They’re EVERYWHERE.
Emmet has as much fun watching everything grow as I do. He swears to me the daffodils smell beautiful, although I didn’t smell much of anything when I got that close.
See those red shoots? Those are my peonies coming. They’ve been one of my favorite flowers ever since I can remember. My gram used to grow them along the side of her house and she’d take me outside and we’d cut them together and shake the ants off and bring them in to put on her kitchen table. We never got all the ants off.
We can actually see green grass in the backyard and Emmet is patiently waiting for the robins to lay eggs in their nest in his playset like they do every year.
And springtime brings something else with it….bugs! What little boy doesn’t love bugs? They’re like tiny monsters. Emmet has a newly rekindled love for his Insect book, and insisted on bringing it to bed with him last night. This is how I found him later on, sound asleep. (And on the scariest page, in my opinion. That would give me nightmares.)
A random picture of my bookshelf. Looking at it makes me happy. Goodnight everyone.
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