Ok, so they’re a little late. She’s my little sister, and she understands that socks take a lot of effort and time. But here they are, finished last night.

The pattern is called Cauchy from Cookie A’s book, Sock Innovation.

So, the pattern was really easy. And although proud of another pair of finished socks, I’m not in love with them. Aesthetically, the pattern itself is just ok…nothing as illustrious as Cookie’s other socks, but I needed something simple to work with the yarn. The yarn is the problem.

I used a yarn called Zauberball. When I saw the tiny picture on the skein, with the color softly blending in and out on a pair of socks, I fell in love and got excited. The yarn screamed out LIANA and I knew this was to become her requested pair of Christmas socks. But then the yarn got all super fuzzy as I was knitting it. I wasn’t happy about that, but the colors faded and blended properly on the first sock…the one on the left. Then came the right sock, and I realized as I was finishing up the heel, that the color had changed too quickly (GASP) and now the gusset was not looking like the beautiful fade of the first sock, but more like a stripe of different color across the top! This was NOT what was supposed to happen.
Sigh….what’s one to do? I wasn’t about to frog the sock after having knit the whole leg already. I’m not THAT much of a perfectionist. And I know Li won’t mind. So, anyway, here they are.
Now comes the fun part of deciding what pair of socks to knit next! I have been wanting to learn how to knit Toe-Up socks, so maybe I’ll try that.