Category: My hand dyed yarn (page 9 of 9)

And finally…

After the grape Kool Aid bath and a couple days spent drying over a chair, we ended up with this:

I can’t seem to get a completely accurate picture of the color, no matter what kind of light I hold this in, but this is pretty close. I’ve named the color Raspberry Dusk. I immediately wanted to see what it was going to look like knitted into something, but what? Shelly thought I should do another Star Crossed Slouchy hat, and since it’s such a quick pattern, I agreed. I really felt the need for some instant gratification. So here it is! The finale of my very first yarn dyeing experiment.

I’m ready for the big league now. I’ve ordered some yarn and some dye and I’m waiting for it to arrive. This weekend I’ll hit some more garage sales looking for big pots and crock pots and see what I can come up with. I’m ready people!


Grape Kool Aid

So in the post previous to this one, you saw what happened when I dyed pepto pink yarn with turmeric.  I liked it better, but didn’t love it. So I finally was able to snag packets of Kool Aid at Walmart (thanks for the tip Mom!) and I used the Grape Kool Aid for the final dye bath. I was a little skeptical at first…Kool Aid doesn’t come across in my mind like a serious dyeing tool….but I must admit, I was impressed with the results!

Above you can see the yarn getting cooked. When I saw how purple it looked in the pot, I was thinking I might end up with some very purple yarn. But nope, here’s what happened:

I’m quite happy with it! This was the best picture I could get today, with the clouds and rain, and (on my computer at least) it’s a pretty accurate picture. It turned into a more adult colored yarn,… less fun, more sophisticated. A mixture of pink, purple, brown and small, dull orange flashes. (Ignore the yellow ties holding it together. I probably should have removed those before taking the picture.)

I’m going to make something with this one. I’ll knit it up and make sure I post it here for you all to see…I know you’re super excited to see what this will turn into and see how the colorway works up! Well fear not! I will not disappoint.

BTW, I went to several garage sales today looking for large pots or crock pots to use with the acid dye, and had no luck. Then I went to Salvation Army and found a crock pot for $20 and a large pot for $10. I think that’s a lot for a used and rusting crock pot and a slightly dirty, used pot, don’t you? I decided I could get a better deal elsewhere and came home with nothing. Sniff.

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