Category: Uncategorized (page 5 of 31)

2 more down, 1 to go

Christmas is right around the corner. I started with a fairly good sized list of presents to knit. As of this morning, I have one more to go.  Take a look at the #105 Slouchy 2-Way Cabled Hat. It’s a forgettable name for an unforgettable hat.

It can be worn slouchy, like shown here on my 4 year old (wearing rock star pajamas and playing guitar):

Or it can be worn as a brimmed hat, which is my preferable way of wearing hats:

It was super fast and easy to make. I used size 10 and 1/2 needles as per the instructions, and if I were to make it again, I think I’d use size 10’s. Also, it did not require anything close to the amount of yarn the pattern calls for. I bought 3 skeins, thinking 2 skeins would not be quite enough and I better play it safe, but I actually only used just over one skein. And I have enough yarn left over to make another one, maybe for me!

See how it seems just the tiniest bit too thick…at least it seems that way on me. I will not say who this is for, but I think they’ll like it.

The second finished present is another 2×2 Ribbed For His Pleasure hat. Made for another friend, who will not be named. This is the one I actually dyed all the yarn for. Remember this yarn?

It has magically turned into this hat:

I love it. I know it looks a little pointy at the top, but when you put it on, it smoothes right out.

And last, a picture of my cutie and this year’s tree.

Bella mittens, NOW it’s finally your turn. Yes people, that’s what goes onto the needles tonight. The last present. Can I finish it in time? We’ll see……

From scratch!

Ok, well, not really. But I’m getting closer. My friend asked me to make her a hat like the one I made for Evan, (remember the hat knitted on toothpicks?), but she wanted it to be charcoal gray with a lime green stripe and a white stripe. Now, this hat is made with sock yarn, and 3 different colored skeins of sock yarn would be pretty expensive, so I offered to dye the yarn myself from one bare skein. So I guess starting from scratch would be actually shearing the sheep, carding the wool, spinning and then dyeing it. I’m not quite there yet. But I can dye, and I’m learning how to spin too!


So here we are, looking like a tangled mess, right after coming out of the pots.

Above we have all 3 colors waiting to turn into balls, and below we have 3 beautiful balls waiting to be made into something special. They stare at me while I work on other things….I can see their patience wearing thin.

It’ll be a great project to work on during the long ride we’re going to take this Thanksgiving. They’ll just have to wait a little longer…or maybe I’ll start earlier. After all, I did finish THE SUPER SECRET PROJECT and it’s blocking right now as I type! It’s quite lovely and I don’t know how I’m going to restrain myself from posting the pictures before I give it to its recipient. Must. Hold. Back!



Well hello there! Just checking in to see if I’ve posted? Well, sorry to disappoint you, and I promise a productive spurt is on the horizon, but the flu knocked me down, and I just couldn’t get back up. The flu lasted a week, then the inevitable bronchitis came, along with gurgling weirdness in my lungs, and chest x-rays. Turns out I don’t have pneumonia (Yay!) but after a week of antibiotics and Claritin and Flonase and an inhaler and prescription cough pills…I’m still coughing. (I coughed as I typed that.)

But fun has still been happening. My son got to go trick or treating twice, once with friends and once with Nana. He’s the scary ninja below….

The other cutie is not a shark, nor is he a Klan member…he’s an…..

…..airplane! My friend Maiya actually made that costume.

So I’ve been knitting on the super secret project, and I’m almost on the last chart! I’m going to see if I can finish it next week. That is my big goal right now. I’ve also been spinning wool into yarn on my drop spindle. I must say, it’s coming out very nicely, and very thin. I’m working on some BFL top right now, and I promise pictures in the next post.

The dyeing has stopped temporarily. Being sick doesn’t make for a desire to stand around the kitchen in front of pots of boiling yarn…too much like cooking. But I’m feeling much better and this coming week I’ll dye some more, and I will take pictures of some of the yarn you haven’t seen yet. My husband is working on the graphics for my logo, and as soon as that’s done, I can get some skeins up on Etsy. I’m even going to a yarn dyeing class with my sister this coming weekend!

Well, I must now get back to the super secret project. At about 400 sts per row, each row takes me almost a half an hour to complete. Sigh.

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