First …the gift. Isn’t this the coolest picture ever? Daisy made it for me and sent it before Christmas but i was good and waited till Christmas day to open it. I’m absolutely in love with it…her creativity never ceases to amaze me.

First …the gift. Isn’t this the coolest picture ever? Daisy made it for me and sent it before Christmas but i was good and waited till Christmas day to open it. I’m absolutely in love with it…her creativity never ceases to amaze me.
But hopefully that will change soon. It’s so BUSY!!!! Everything!!! Work, life…everything! I have NO time to knit at work lately especially since the ice storm and all the power outages and fallen trees…..the claims are coming in fast and furious! And at home, well, first my little Boo was sick for a week and the crazy grumpiness he had lingered for another week and there was NO sleeping going on so i was going to bed early and hence…not much knitting going on at night. Then i gave in to temptation and took the 7th Harry Potter book out from the library…simply could wait NO LONGER and then could not put it down so any free moment was curled up with a book….again, no knitting. Now i have finished the book and little Boo is sleeping again so i have started another Christmas present. A hat! A hat that i’m knitting on 4 needles!! Yes, count them…4. Like a knitting miracle. I don’t think i like it though. I think i would rather just use a circular needle. I like the hat…just not the 4 needle process. I just wanted to try it because someday i hope to knit a sock….2 socks actually…..and i know i’ll be using double pointed needles for that. It’s a little more slow-going…but the hat looks pretty good so far. I will post a pic soon…
I’m not sure i like it. I’ve seen some that were amazing and so beautiful but this one….the colors aren’t matching up in a flattering way. Right now, the two colors knitting up together are a teal and a hot pink and they look terrible! I think i might finish it, just to satisfy my curiosity, then take it apart and make 2 separate things with the yarn.