Ok, i know that hundreds of you,…nay, thousands, perhaps…..have been waiting with breaths held to see the heel flap i have worked so hard on. And i dare not disappoint:

So now i see what the gusset is but i can’t figure out how to make it happen!! I think the pattern lady is trying to sound smart. Even Lucy could not figure out how to start the gusset after reading the directions with me over and over. Maybe i should have started my first sock with an intermediate pattern….this could be my fault. But seriously, the woman didn’t even feel the need to explain what a gusset was, much less make any sense in her directions on how to make it! So once again i am at a standstill. I did order a Knitting Socks book off Barnes and Noble.com but it hasn’t arrived yet. I’m hoping that will clear things up. I could just quit this sock and start another, easier sock…..but now i am angry. I WILL make this sock. Now it’s personal.
I have a feeling the lady at the little local yarn shop will be getting another “help” visit from me this weekend….this time i may have to buy something so she doesn’t think i’m just using her.
Oh yeah, and have i mentioned that this sock is looking a little tight? Lucy’s not so sure it will fit a human foot. This sock is going to kill me.
01.15.09 at 5:28 pm
so i looked more closely at your sock… to make the gusset you’ll have to pick up stitches between the heel (which are on your needle) and the stitches on your holder. the pattern should tell you how many stitches you want to add. you probably know how to pick up stitches. if not look at youtube. you want the same number on both side of the heel. once you pick up stitches you’ll probably have a decrease on both sides every other row. this is what makes the decrease line down to the foot area. make sure once you get to the foot and before you to the toe you should try on your sock.sounds like your pattern writer lady assumed to much.let me know how it turns outamy